Let’s change the way
we talk about mental health.


We believe education is the first step to overcoming mental health barriers and stigma in our communities.

One in five young people lives with a mental health condition, including anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, depression, and other mood disorders. We cannot ignore the need for knowledge and education surrounding mental health and suicide prevention.

Since 2006, Grant Halliburton Foundation has trained more than 325,000 students, educators, parents, and professionals across North Texas on topics like depression, suicide prevention, bullying, and resilience. Our hope is to equip youth and adults with the tools and knowledge to raise awareness, recognize signs of distress, and seek help.


Youth education Programs

The Foundation offers presentations that teach third – 12th-grade students about important aspects of their mental health. Our skilled presenters make these topics engaging and interactive for students of all ages. We talk about stress management, thinking traps, setting healthy boundaries, building resilience, coping skills, and suicide prevention.


Adult education Programs

The Foundation offers captivating presentations that provide teachers, parents, and professionals with valuable information on promoting mental wellness, building resilience, developing healthy coping skills, understanding the teenage brain, recognizing the signs of depression, and suicidal crisis in youth.



Thrive is a comprehensive strategy developed by Grant Halliburton Foundation for mental, social, and emotional health in schools. Thrive incorporates evidence-based best practices, forming integrated layers of programs targeted to three critical audiences: students, school faculty/staff, and parents.


hope squad

Hope Squad is a school-based peer support team of trustworthy and caring students trained to watch for at-risk peers, provide friendship, identify suicide warning signs, and seek help from adults. Hope Squads work to reduce self-destructive behavior and youth suicide by training, building, and creating change in schools and communities.


Mental health conference

When Life Hands You Teenagers is an annual conference presented by Grant Halliburton Foundation each September with speakers on adolescent mental health. If you teach, counsel, mentor, live with or work with teens, this conference is for you!
