Rise and Shine: 5 Tips for a Productive Morning Routine

Mornings can be tough, especially in the midst of a pandemic that has shifted our schedules and impacted our motivation, mood, and mindset going into each day. It’s easy to feel anxious, out of control, or defeated as the situation changes daily. We want to foster habits that help us navigate this difficult time well.

Here are a few tips for a positive start to your morning:

Hydrate. Studies show drinking a glass of water in the morning has benefits for our physical and brain health. When not adequately hydrated, the brain operates on less fuel and makes us feel drained or unmotivated. Hydrating first thing in the morning can increase your level of alertness, prepping your body and brain for the day.

Stretch. Taking a few minutes in the morning to stretch can help release uncomfortable tension that can build up in your body overnight. Stretching improves circulation, increases flexibility in muscles and joints, and prevents stress in the body. This also allows you time to yourself to reflect on the coming day.

Make a gratitude list. The morning is a great time to focus on finding small joys and remembering all that you are grateful for. Keeping a gratitude list will help you focus your attention on positive things. Jot them down in a journal or your phone. You can even write a few things on sticky notes and put them around your home as reminders throughout the day.

Listen to music. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and start your day with a jam session. Studies show that music has the power to affect our mood and provides great health benefits by boosting the immune system, lowering cortisol levels, improving brain function, and making us more creative.

Do something you enjoy. Whether it’s going for a morning walk, whipping up a nutritious breakfast, brewing a hot cup of coffee, or taking a long shower—find an activity you enjoy to start your day. Some things that brought you joy before may not be available right now. Let this be the time to get creative and make new habits.

Mornings set the tone for your day. We can’t always control what’s going on around us, but we can control how we react and respond. Don’t pressure yourself to make every morning productive and full of self-care. When you can, start just one new morning habit and see if you notice a difference in you day.

Remind yourself that it’s alright if you feel both frustrated and grateful. You can mourn for the world and seek joy in your life.

By Bianca Williams
Outreach and Education Manager
