What are HOPE Care Kits?

Hope Care Kits are thoughtfully curated bags filled with mental health resources, self-care items, and items to provide encouragement and comfort for people when they are discharged following psychiatric hospitalization.


  • Journal and pen

  • Adult coloring book and colored pencils

  • Stress ball

  • Fuzzy socks

  • Lip balm

  • Lotion

  • Essential oils roller bottle

  • Fidget toy

  • Encouraging stickers

  • Sticky notes with hopeful messages

  • Mental health resources from Grant Halliburton Foundation

  • “What’s Next? A Guide to Making a Roadmap for Ongoing Care After Hospitalization”

  • A hand-written note of encouragement

Who are HOPE Care Kits for?

HOPE Care Kits are intended for anyone being discharged from inpatient treatment or hospitalization for mental health. Grant Halliburton Foundation is seeking partnerships with area organizations providing hospitalization and treatment. English and Spanish kits available. 

If HOPE Care Kits would be a valuable addition to your discharge process and a good tool for your patients, email Crystal Gonzalez or call 972-744-9790 x1117.

1) Chung, D. T., et al. (2019). Meta-analysis of suicide rates in the first week and the first month after psychiatric hospitalisation. BMJ Open, 9(3), e023883.
